Chapter 1


Was my luck about to change? The moment he wandered over to me in the bar and offered to buy me a drink I started praying that he wasn’t too good to be true. A tall blond, handsome American stranger? A corporate lawyer in a really nice suit? In his early 30s? That dream-come-true sort of thing doesn’t normally happen to me. And sure enough, it didn’t last. We had just started chatting about work and, if I was not mistaken, there was a little bit of flirtatious eye contact and subtle smiling going on when Marcia walked into the bar. She stopped in front of us, posed elegantly, looked at him, looked at me and said in her beautiful, languid voice, “Suzie darling, I can hear you from here. Do stop being so amazingly dull.” And she sat down between us, smiled at him, turned her back on me, and I might as well have left right then, for the amount of attention I knew I was going to get from him from that point on.

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What it’s all about

Recently single, in her mid 30s and bored at work, Suzie thinks she might have found the perfect boyfriend in Jake, In fact, he might be a bit too good to be true. Why then does nobody like him, not her friends, not her colleagues and not even her cat? And when her narcissistic ex-mother Marcia announces her intention to recruit a couple of toyboys, does she have Jake in her sights too?

Intrigued? Read chapter one on this blog and then buy the full novel here.

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